5 Unique Ways to Advertise Inside Your Own Store

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Last Updated on September 10, 2020 by Work In My Pajamas

Although advertising brings consumers your store, doing it from your store can as well be beneficial. Today, retailers have realized the importance of in-store advertisements and promotions. In-store advertising accounts for over 15 billion dollars compared to television adverts, which account for over 50 billion dollars. This means that that, for every three retailers who chose television advertising, one chooses in-store promotion. Many retailers choose first to make television adverts to draw consumers before using the in-store promotion. The following are some of the unique in-store promotion techniques that entrepreneurs should choose.

Point of Sale (POS) Advertising

Once the target consumers are already in your store, a point of sale can be made on the business premises. Customers who walk into your store may see the signage and purchase more commodities than they had intended to buy. This is common especially if you the signage offer a price discount for clients buying in bulk. Point of sale advertising is known to influence impulse purchasing. The Buy-two-get-one free is one of the typical POS, which will significantly increase the quantity purchased by your customers.

Impulse Buying

Studies have shown that about 61 percent of buyers purchase one to three more impulse items due to promotion. Using in-store posters or having sale assistants near shelves with some of the items on promotion will significantly influence buyers. Similarly, if you reach a shopper with the right message at the right time, you will probably change their buying patterns.

Provide More Information

Using simple equipment like plasma screens within your business may also affect the purchasing patterns and quantities of some customers. Communicating the right promotional language in attractive images will convince some clients to purchase one or more items that they had not planned. Additionally, the use of floor graphics from companies like DCM Inc. can help your consumers get a clear picture of your products as customers are browsing.

Perfect Your Customer Services

Ensure that all your customers are treated well and equally irrespective of the amount they send. When you welcome a client who purchases a ten dollar item, they will look no further when they want to buy a 30,000 dollar item. You never know who will be your next big sale.

Organize Promotional Events

Throwing promotional events is another proven method of increasing traffic to your business. Once in a while, organize customer appreciation sale discount and offer free coffee and cookies at the event. Use this opportunity to get emails of your clients to re-engage them in future.

In-store advertising can be a great boost for your business. Use of display plasmas, graphics, point of sale and organizing event has proven beneficial in in-store promotions. Creativity is another instrumental item for every successful in-store advertisement. Therefore, it is imperative to target the promotion at the right time.

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