5 Things Successful Business Owners Do During Lunch

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If you are like tens of thousands of Americans, you spend your days scarfing down food at your desk while engaging in social media, online shopping, or other forms of internet related activities. However, here is some food for thought. Did you know that your lunch break is an excellent time for you to recharge yourself? 

You can find creative inspiration and even make new business connections during this “rest” period. Have you ever wondered what things successful business owners do that make them so efficacious? Well, for starters, they don’t just sit in front of a computer screen during their lunch break. They use this time resourcefully. 

How Successful People Use Their Time Wisely

The stress of the workplace is increasing more every day. Many people don’t feel they have time for lunch. So, they grab a quick bite while continuing to sit at their desk. Did you know that in Canada and the United States only 19 percent of workers take a break for lunch that is away from their workspace? 

So, how do the successful obtain such great wealth and have stellar businesses? What are their secrets? Well, here are five things they do during their lunch period that is vastly different from many others. 

1. They Exercise

Did you know that just a few minutes of exercise can give you the endorphin rush that you need to make it until the evening? The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges conducted a study in 2015 and found that exercising during lunch was a miracle cure. It has the same amount of power as taking an anti-anxiety medication. 

Getting the blood pumping can clear the mental fog, raise serotonin levels, and lower blood pressure. Use a fitness tracker, and make sure you are getting at least 10,000 steps each day. Even if you walk to the local deli to grab a sandwich for lunch, the walking will stimulate your body and help give you a boost.

2. They Take a Power Nap

Did you know that taking a nap, even fifteen minutes, can improve your overall cognitive performance? In Mexico, the siesta became commonplace. In France, lunch breaks were often two hours so that employees could rest before coming back to work. Why all these traditions? Well, people found that recharging themselves during a nap made them more able to tackle the second half of the day. Did you know a quick rest can improve your motor skills, reduce your stress, expand your memory recall, and make you more alert? 

The key is to turn off the phone, use some white noise, and rest away from your desk. Though it may be tempting to curl up at your workstation, move to the conference room or your car for the most rejuvenating benefits. Remember, it’s not really how many hours you slave away sitting at your desk, rather, it’s how many hours that you are present while you’re there. 

3. They Don’t Overeat

Remember that feeling after a big Thanksgiving meal? When you overeat, it makes you tired. In fact, if you eat a meal that is high in carbohydrates, your insulin levels will spike. This rise in glucose causes you to feel sleepy. Eat a healthy lunch with lots of vegetables and fruits. 

Avoid carbohydrate laden items that can be counterproductive. Protein is essential. Increase your protein levels to ensure that you refuel your body and not deplete it. Successful business professionals know that eating right is the key to making sure they are as productive in the afternoon as they are in the morning. 

4. They Get Some Fresh Air

Most of today’s society spends all of their time indoors. We have forgotten the value of fresh air. Mother Nature has restorative properties that are very therapeutic. Did you know that sitting outside in the sunshine can lower blood pressure and heart rate as well as improve your mood? 

Fresh air is good for your lungs, and it can help clear your mind. The extra oxygen you inhale can actually raise your serotonin levels, which improves your mood. Since the brain uses up to 20 percent of the body’s oxygen levels, it’s important to get as much fresh air as possible. 

5. They Congregate with Colleagues

Whether friend or not, sometimes engaging in some conversation can be stimulating. Bouncing ideas off one another as well as just having a sounding board can be beneficial. Did you ever hear the saying that “great minds think alike?” Well, great minds can also have diverse opinions that can help spark others. 

Never underestimate the power of having a good pow-wow with some experts and colleagues. You may learn things you never knew. A good business person learns to mingle, even when the person they are mingling with isn’t a close friend. Never turn down an opportunity to size up the opponent or encourage an associate.

Being Successful Comes with A Price

The things successful business owners do are what separates them from others. They live a bit differently, and they have different philosophies. When it comes to lunchtime, they learn to take every opportunity to improve on their social status and mental capacity. 

Refuelling the body is important, but it’s also vital to exercise, clear your mind, and take a power nap during your rest periods. It’s the little things that you do in your life that can have the biggest impact on your wellbeing. Do you want to be another “computer slave” that can’t get away from technology? Turn off the cell phone and step away from the computer! You may find that your success is just around the corner with a few changes in your life.

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