Business Spring Cleaning: 5 Tips for Decluttering and Increasing Productivity

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Last Updated on December 28, 2020 by Work In My Pajamas

It is spring again, and your home office could use a good cleaning. It is easier to be productive in a home office that is clean and organized. In addition, getting sick from working in your home office would be an even worse productivity killer. Here are some tips to help you get your home office back in shape so that you can be highly productive when working.

Organize Your Desk

If your desk is a chronic mess, it is going to negatively impact your productivity. By decluttering your desk, you will not be hindered by piles of papers and other objects getting in your way. You should file and organize documents, not allow them to accumulate in piles on your desk. Allowing them to accumulate in random piles helps to ensure that you do not know which document is where when you need it in a hurry. By the end of each work day, all documents should be organized back in their proper place, and any stray objects should be put back where they belong too. This way your desk will be freed up for you to have ample work space to hit the ground running every morning.


It is difficult to concentrate in an office where the dust covers everything. As you cough and sneeze constantly, your attention is distracted from your work. By dusting on a regular basis, you make your office a healthy place to do work. Additionally, clients will not think your office is dirty if you keep the dust and allergens down.

Keep Food Out of Your Office Space

Eating in your home office is a bad idea. For starters, having food next to you while you work is a constant distraction. Some people start doing more habitual munching than staying engaged in productive work. Since you are at home, adopt the habit of keeping food in the kitchen instead. This will save you loads of time from having to clean up dishes, dropped food particles and crumbs out of your home office.

Heater Maintenance

You have been running the heat all winter, and it is now a good time to have someone in to check it out. The mornings are still cold enough to need some additional warmth, and you are not the motivated, productive type when you are busy shivering in your home office. Having your heater properly maintained by a heating company will ensure you will not be wasting valuable work time with a more extensive repair issue.

Shredding Documents

The floor of your office is filled with boxes covered with piles of paper that should have been discarded months or even years ago. It is a wonder you can find anything when you need it. If you simply take five to ten minutes each day to shred these old documents, you could have your home office in great shape in no time. Additionally, your clients would not feel so cramped when they come to meet with you.


Clutter is a huge obstacle to productivity. By removing the clutter from your home office, you will get rid of distractions that have hindered your productivity for a long time now. With these distractions gone, you will have this odd feeling that you can actually get things done without needing to constantly worry about the disorganized mess your office has become.

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