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Last Updated on March 7, 2023 by Work In My Pajamas
If you’re looking to achieve even the slightest success in the business world, it’s going to take a combination of certain factors. For starters, you’re going to need to grind harder than ever before; hard work is the backbone of any entrepreneurial ventures. In addition to doing the hard yards, you also need a set of relevant skills, contacts, an iron will that can withstand a brutal beating and creative thinking. The iron will comes in handy when you have to mow through tons of failure to get to the victory.
However, your mindset is probably the most important determinant of success in virtually everything you do. Bluntly put; it’s the precise thinking patterns that you habitually adopt which end up significantly governing the outcome of your ventures. Unfortunately, not everyone understands just how dramatic the mental shifts required for entrepreneurial success are. And while different situations and circumstances may require the employment of different mindsets, anyone looking to leave the 9 to 5 and start their own business ought to be aware of the most crucial ones.
Here are the top 5 mental shifts you need to make to become an entrepreneur; and a successful one at that.
In This Post:
1. Age is Just a Number
We’ve all heard the phrase; that is commonly used to encourage old people to forget their age and live life to the fullest. But this case, the usage may be a bit different from what you are used to. It’s only in business where young entrepreneurs are encouraged to overcome their age and achieve their full potential. You should never be scared of taking risks just because you feel you are too young. If you want to succeed both in business and in life, embrace your youth wholeheartedly and use it as an asset. Besides, everyone likes a hardworking, dedicated and intelligent young professional who has beaten the odds.
2. Learn When to Say No
This simply implies knowing how to allocate your time. How you allocate this precious commodity will have an enormous impact on your startup company, especially in the initial phases. Unlike employment where your time is monitored and recorded for evaluation, you are your own boss as an entrepreneur. This means that if you are busy with other things and don’t treat your business as a priority, it will undoubtedly suffer. Try to focus on choosing only the high impact activities that catapult your business and be methodical about how you use your time. Remember, the lone eagle flies highest and furthest.
3. Failure is an Illusion
One of the most dangerous myths that has seen many businesses meet their demise is failure. If you want to become truly successful as an entrepreneur, you’re going to have to learn that most learning experiences come disguised as temporary failures. The quicker you realize that failure is just a false illusion, the sooner you can embrace the fact that you lose nothing by letting your ideas out to the world.
4. Be Methodical and Uncomfortable
Ever notice how most employees watch the clock when it’s just a few minutes to punch out? Yeah, we don’t mean that kind of methodical and uncomfortable. If your business is going to survive its first year, it’s not going to be by watching the clock till closing time. When it’s your business, there is no closing time. F
irst off, you will need to feel uncomfortable in your comfort zone, and very comfortable with discomfort. You need to plan your work, and then work the hell out of your plan. The biggest differentiator between mediocrity in business and achieving massive success is the ability to work productively for endless hours at a time. Focus and mental stamina are paramount to building endurance in the business world.
5. Self Confidence
As an entrepreneur, you have to believe in yourself, your skills and talents. Someone has to make it in life, if not you, then who? It’s a free country out there guys, and nothing is stopping you from achieving total financial freedom and living the American Dream. Even looking at society, everyone who has ever failed always seems to have some sort of excuse. Successful entrepreneurs, on the other hand, have inspiring stories of how they overcame setbacks with innovative solutions. The moment you start believing in yourself, you’re ready for anything the world can throw at you.
Final Thoughts
These are just a few of the fundamental mental shifts you need to make to become a successful entrepreneur. As you go along, you will no doubt discover others that are unique to your business. It’s advisable to starts as early as possible; most people underestimate the time it takes to transition from employment to entrepreneur. That’s why it makes sense to start shifting your mindset today and start developing the skills and experience required.