The Roads to Success: 5 Great Paths to Becoming an Entrepreneur

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Last Updated on January 20, 2024 by Work In My Pajamas

The decision to become an entrepreneur is the choice to take control of your financial future in a huge way. No longer relying on a boss to answer to, the entrepreneur is generally looking to be the one who calls the shots and reaps the benefits of major success.

While this may seem like a lofty goal, the truth is that there are numerous paths to becoming an entrepreneur and achieving the business success that such a coveted position can bring. The following are five tried and true paths to becoming the entrepreneur you always dreamed of being.

5 Successful Entrepreneur Paths

  • The Business Model Writer

Some entrepreneurs begin their journey with the thought of building a prize-winning business model. As the ideas come to them, they write them down and organize the information into a coherent plan of attack. This is genuinely a case of considering where you plan to be five or ten years from now, and more importantly, how you plan to get your company to survive along the way. This is generally a good path to entrepreneurship, because it means you think before you leap, and that shows that you have a mind for business.

  • The Doer

A second path to becoming a successful entrepreneur is found in the habitual practices of the doer. The doer knows that talk is cheap. Intending to put their money where their mouth is, the doer does not waste time watching others succeed.

The doer pushes through the obstacles in their way and finds the path to success by putting forth the effort the average person will not take to ensure their own future. In the doer’s mind, things happen when massive action is taken to achieve a goal, and achieving is doing.

  • The Inventor

Tinkering on project after project, the inventor paves the way to a brand new product that the world has never seen before. They seek to pave their path to entrepreneurial greatness by putting their mind and technical skills to the task: sometimes even doing what many would think to be the impossible.

Yet, with finished product and patent in hand, the inventor is ready to help the world understand that they have just created the product that no one can live without. If they are correct, then there truly are fortunes to be made once they take their product to market.

  • The Educated Investor

Whether it is padding an account in a volatile market, or reading the latest balance sheet, the educated investor is always pushing towards the cutting edge of the entrepreneurial world by sinking money into that next venture with the hopes of high returns on their investment.

Leveraging what they have learned with the money they have earned, the educated investor is never afraid to learn something new: not even if it is attending house flipping seminars to learn how to make money flipping real estate houses like the pros. Every new opportunity for this entrepreneur is a new stream of income in the making.

  • The Fund Seeker

According to, no matter how long you have been doing business, there is always room for an infusion of cash. The fund seeker is always on the lookout for the best way to raise this capital to ensure that the funds are there to make business success a reality.

It just stands to reason that they will not be doing much business if the money is not there to pay their employees, keep the lights on and cover other operational expenses. This makes the course a fund seeker takes as viable of a path to entrepreneurship as any other path mentioned earlier.

There are many roads to becoming an entrepreneur. Some of these roads are fast and furious, and others take years of careful planning to position one’s self as a successful entrepreneur. Which path you take will undoubtedly depend on your personality and skill level.

What is important is not so much which path to take in order to become an entrepreneur. What is important is that you begin the journey by choosing a path that is right for you and the business you have always dreamed of getting off the ground.

1 thought on “The Roads to Success: 5 Great Paths to Becoming an Entrepreneur”

  1. Henry Richard

    Thank, I really love your article. I’m 16 and always want to be a successful entrepreneur ๐Ÿ˜€

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