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Last Updated on August 13, 2020 by Work In My Pajamas
Managing and owning a business is only getting harder, with the goal posts for making a profit getting further and further away.
Often, one of the primary drivers for your business becoming a success is making sure it’s productive. After all, productivity equals profit. Are you missing that vital piece of the puzzle? Here are five ways you can make your workplace more profitable for a healthier bottom line:
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Make Better Use of Technology
Technology is changing every day, and with each new adjustment comes the opportunity to make more money and streamline your processes. Always be on the lookout for software and programs such as cloud-based unified communications that offer a more seamless system for day to day operations.
Such systems enable you to consolidate several pieces of technology into one unified setup – allowing you to make phone calls, conference calls and send emails and instant messages all from one platform. You can say goodbye to the hassle of loading up five or more programs to get through the day and instead focus on one.
Use Incentives
Incentives, monetary or otherwise, can be a leading factor in boosting employee productivity. What’s more, they can help your team to feel happier and satisfied in their work. If your staff appreciate you, the business, and everything it stands for, then would they not work their hardest to make sure it succeeds? It all starts with you. Offer bonuses and reasons for going the extra mile. For example, if they achieved X number of orders by X date, they could get an additional day of leave over Christmas or perhaps a thoughtful corporate gift.
Stay on Top of Trends
Companies are always researching the complex mind of the ordinary worker. What makes them tick? What makes them perform? What keeps them coming back to work day after day? Find a reliable source of research and discover if making changes could benefit your team. For example, many companies saw benefit in open-plan work environments and implemented it with varying results. Others jumped on the bandwagon of standing desks to see if they would alter productivity. It never hurts to try out different methods and discovering if they work for you.
Promote Team Building
Team building is the process of getting your workers together and taking part in social activities. Some managers arrange fun sports or activities, while others focus on anything that can boost company morale and provide other benefits. Aside from a break in routine, team building activities offer your workers a chance to connect and communicate. Workers that talk to each other also function together better – equating to increased productivity.
Focus on Comfort
One of the most useful methods for creating a productive team is to make sure they are comfortable. If they work on computers all day, then ensure they have furniture that promotes the best ergonomic settings. It may also help to enlist the services of a workplace assessor for making sure chairs and furniture are in the right place for spinal health. If your team’s tasks involve physical labor, then promote regular breaks with comfortable places to relax. Happy workers work better for longer.
There are so many ways you can make your team more productive, and it’s not going to hurt to give a few options a try. The more you can do for your workers, the more they can offer in return. Make them comfortable, provide incentives, and take note of current research that suggests better ways of doing things. You may be surprised at how healthy your bottom line looks as a result of trying something new.