Clocking Success: 4 Steps for Entrepreneurs to Make the Most of Every Hour

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In 2017, entrepreneurship is really hot. It’s trendy, fresh and all the cool kids seem to be doing it. However, many fail to realize that entrepreneurship is the foundation of this country’s economic stability as it is currently #1 out of 138 countries leading in entrepreneurship. It was built on small businesses that turned into thriving enterprises. Additionally, inexperienced entrepreneurs fail to realize how much work is really involved in building a business from the ground up. It can be very challenging and this is the reason why most small businesses fail within the first few years. If you’d like to experience long-lasting success with your company, you’ve got to become intentional with your time. Include these four steps into your routine and you’ll be successful.

Eliminate Distractions

The shift from working a 9-5 to entrepreneurship is an interesting one. This is mainly because you are in total control of your time. You have the freedom to do as you please without the threat of a boss terminating you. But to be a successful entrepreneur, you’ve to become intentional about eliminating distractions that will suck up your time. If you are a huge Netflix junkie, turn it off. If you’re a social media lover, do your best to avoid it while you’re working. 30 minutes spent scrolling is a major waste of time and can cost you. If you get into the habit of picking the phone up every time it rings, you’ll never get any work done. Set up a schedule that allows you time to take breaks in between longer spurts of work. During those scheduled breaks, take a walk, have fun with social media or watch 15 minutes of a show on Netflix. Once that’s over, get back to work.


If you have the budget to do so, outsource work that you don’t know how to do. Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of trying to learn all sections of the business so they can thrive. What’s more effective and time-efficient is to outsource the work to someone who is experienced in that area. For example, don’t try to learn to code and build your own website. Instead, outsource the project to a web developer or designer. The time you use in trying to learn how to code will completely derail the time you could spend working in your area of expertise. If you want to learn how to build a website in your spare time, that’s not a problem. However, if you have the budget, focus your energy on income-producing activities for long-term success.


Many people often state that when you know better, you do better. If you don’t know any better, you can’t do any better. For this reason, it’s best to learn and educate yourself on your subject area. If you’re focusing on real estate and how to build a strong business in that field, take classes and seminars, like those mentioned in Success Path Reviews on Crunchbase. Learn from professionals in the industry and see how they’ve been able to move the needle in their businesses. Remember that the internet is your friend. There are tons of online classes that are specifically created to help you win in your field. Don’t underestimate the power of a good online course.

Plan Ahead

“If you fail to plan, plan to fail.” It’s so important to have a concrete plan regarding how you’re going to succeed. This needs to be done every single day. If you don’t have a plan for your day, this will become the routine for your whole life. Take ten minutes before bedtime and focus specifically on clearing your head and writing down all the things you need to do. Once you have everything written down, you can create a strategic plan for the day and map out all you need to get done to hit specific goals.

These tips might be challenging to figure out in the beginning. However, remember to be patient with yourself and keep trying. The more you keep at it, the better you’ll become. The better you become, the more success you’ll experience. Hard work is its own reward, so keep at it. You’ll experience the fruit of your diligence and dedication in due time.

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