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Working from home can be lonely, and it can even be depressing. Day in and day out, while your spouse goes to work and your kids go to school, you open up your computer and prepare yourself for another grueling day of sitting on your couch, with only your 12-year-old cat to keep you company. Unlike your spouse and kids, you won’t get to interact with anyone during the day, and you’ll have to put forth quite a bit of effort to stay motivated, which will tire you out. At the end of the day when your family comes home, you’ll feel tired and a little bit sad, and your spouse will ask, “Honey, why are you so tired? You just sat on the couch all day in your pajamas.” Comments like this infuriate you, but you’re just too exhausted to retort back. If only you could get rid of the working from home blues. If this sounds a bit like you, here are some of the things you can try out to make working from home more enjoyable and less lonely:
Work from a coffee shop – Just because you don’t have to work in an office, doesn’t mean that you have to confine yourself to your living room. A few days a week, consider going to a coffee shop or a local library. Doing so will give you the opportunity to be around other people and feel less isolated.
Don’t neglect your daily morning routine – Yes, you can roll out of bed, pour yourself a cup of coffee, and start working. However, doing so every day for a long period of time will make you feel weird. As humans, we benefit psychologically from looking our best. It’s true that no one will see you all day long if you’re working from home, but you should consider taking a shower and changing out of your pajamas in the morning anyway. A morning shower will invigorate you, and if you put on nice clothes, you’ll probably feel better about yourself.
Exercise in the middle of the day – If your schedule allows for it, take a trip to the gym or a job around the neighborhood at some point during the day. Exercise will give you a rush of endorphins and make you feel better. Sitting on the couch all day long isn’t good for your body or brain. So, take advantage of the freedom you wouldn’t have at an office, and do your body a favor.
Blog – A blog is the perfect outlet for all of your feelings, and it’s a great way to stay connected to other people with similar interests. Instead of surfing the internet on your breaks throughout the day, consider blogging and connecting with other bloggers. Feeling connected when you’re not in an office full of coworkers is difficult, but it’s possible. Online resources like blogs and blogging communities can make a world of difference.
So, try out the suggestions above, and don’t like the working from home doldrums get you down!
Author’s Bio: Carolyn works for Ordoro, which makes business easier with order management software that integrates Shopify, 3dcart and BigCommerce.
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