How To Find Time to Achieve Your Goals

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Last Updated on June 24, 2020 by Work In My Pajamas

If you are struggling with time management and having trouble finishing all of your work, you’re in luck. Today, we are going to share some great tips that will help you to achieve your goals. Whether your goal is to increase creativity, improve your personal life or get fit, the most important thing is not to burn out in the flames of enthusiasm while trying to fulfill it. So, take a look at what we can suggest, and you are sure to find some great ideas.

Use Criticism and Improve

I once heard a person say: “No matter what they say – the useful criticism does not exist. Any judgment of any person is only a subjective opinion. Nobody will appreciate your work better than you.” Now, you must be aware that every person with half a brain knows this is just stupid. What you should do is use the criticism you get – and trust us, there’s going to be all sorts of things in the beginning. Take each word and weigh it, learn from the ones you think will help you grow. Be disciplined, be consistent: if you are able to admit that you made a mistake, and improved thanks to it, if you are not ashamed of what you do, it means that the chosen direction is correct. There is no use of arguing with your critics, or trying to justify yourself. Take the best out of what you’re offered and you’ll see that, with improving your skills, you’ll also improve your time management.

Learn From the Mistakes of Others

There is no need to always learn from your own failures. The experiences of your friends, colleagues, or even complete strangers, are a source of new invaluable knowledge and inspiration, but you need to know how to apply it in your life.

You’ve probably noticed that a lot of your friends who have kids struggle to get things done because they have no time for themselves. If you feel like you won’t be able to keep up with your day-to-day tasks and be a parent at the same time, you should consider whether you should have kids or not.

Still, you shouldn’t try to apply everything you ever heard or saw. You have to use your brain, too. In other words, just like we said in the previous tip, you need to take only the best out of what you’re offered. Learning to do this is half the trouble. Once you do, you’re ready to grow.

A great tip you can use is write some inspirational or useful quotes on a whiteboard – this will help you stay focused on your goals. For example, you can choose from a wide variety offered here

Do What You Love

A wise man once said: “Do what you love, and you’ll never have to work another day in your life”. Man, was he right! You should write this on a sticky note and place it somewhere right in front of your desk.

If you choose to do what you really enjoy and find pleasure in, you’ll see your productivity increase in no time. You may think that what you do just doesn’t bring in enough – think again. If you are good at what you do, and a professional, you’ll be able to find the right clients. They’ll appreciate your devotion and expertise – and those clients will be willing to pay more to have you on board.

Practice, practice, practice

There’s no use of your love if you don’t put time and effort into the subject. If you are a writer, write tons of sample works even if you don’t have anyone who’ll pay for it. If you’re a designer, create logos for imaginary companies. If you’re a teacher, practice with your or the neighbor’s kids. Experience is valued by the right people – the people you want to attract, so you have to be ready to show them you really know what you’re doing.


Your long term goals are probably going to require some planning. It is important to have the end in mind, even at your beginning. Brainstorm ideas, write down steps, make it as clear as possible. Plan for success. This way, you choose your tactics, as well as your needs, and it’s going to be much easier to achieve it. Many people mistakenly believe that the goal achievement is a result, but in fact, it is an ongoing process.

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

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