How to Market Your Business in a Way That Creates Unique Customer Experiences

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Last Updated on December 4, 2017 by Work In My Pajamas

If you want your business to be truly successful and profitable, it is important to focus your attention on the customer experience. The last thing you want is to create a customer experience that is just like what your competition offers. When this happens, your business loses the competitive edge that it can draw from to attract customers easily. In fact, your customers may begin to comparison shop based on price or choose the store that is located closer to them when they believe that the experience will be the same regardless of which company they make a purchase from. The unfortunate result is a decline in sales and a struggle to maintain market share. The good news is that you can create unique customer experiences when you focus your attention on these important tips.

Choose Your Platforms Carefully

The platforms that you use to connect to your target audience are critical, and you should consider taking a different or unique approach to garner attention. For example, Vasayo’s Dallin Larsen uses podcasts on iTunes to communicate with his target audience with long, educational narratives that are designed to offer assistance to the audience in different ways. On the other hand, social media marketing on Instagram or Pinterest will use visual elements to garner attention. Consider exploring new platforms that you and your competition are not currently using, and you may be surprised to discover that your audience tunes into your messages with profound results when you try something new. Remember that using platforms that your competition is not using means that your voice on these platforms is more easily heard.

Create a Desirable User Experience

Your overall customer or user experience should be desirable and unforgettable. Think about why your customers may need your products or services, and use your marketing messages to stir up emotions regarding this need. Then, show your customers what their experience may be like when they use your products or services to solve their problems. Tell a story rather than explain features to make your messages more memorable. Ensure that your products and services live up to your marketing messages. The last thing you want is to disappoint your customers because you fail to deliver on your marketing promises.

Add an Element of Intrigue or Mystery

In some cases, creating intrigue or mystery can yield incredible results. For example, if you are unveiling a new product or adding a special feature, you can create a teaser advertisement that hints at the possibilities available with this item. Rather than explain entirely what it can do, create a lure that inspires your target audience to try it for themselves. Your element of intrigue should be related to a special feature that your competition does not have. If your competition beats you to the punch, a marketing messages that teases audiences with possibilities may not create the level of interest that you desire.

Be Visually Creative

You may be well aware through your own personal experiences how easy it is to tune out boring marketing messages that seem like dozens of others that you have seen over the years. However, when something is visually creative, it grabs ahold of your interest immediately. More than that, it is memorable and may even be talked about with friends and co-workers. Focus your attention on how to use creative visuals to tell a story or to create a specific experience. Use unusual graphics that your audience may not expect, and consider cartoon graphics, photos, videos and other visuals.

Standing apart from the competition begins by creating a unique customer experience, and this can be accomplished through marketing. As you can see, there are several different steps that you can take to enhance your marketing message so that it is individualized and unique. Now is a great time to review the customer experience that you are currently creating and acting to improve it in different ways.

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