Affiliate Marketing Secrets For Bloggers

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Last Updated on January 20, 2024 by Work In My Pajamas

I wasn’t able to attend BlogWorld in Vegas last week, and heard I missed a great opportunity for learning, networking and partying!  Am definitely penciling it in for next year!

I was pleasantly surprised when DebbyLisa and Karen all twittered me that Mike Allen of plugged a few of my sites during the Affiliate Marketing Secrets For Bloggers panel.   I’m flattered that he mentioned Steal The Style, Shoeaholics Anonymous and this very site, Work In My Pajamas as “great examples of creativity.”   Thanks for the kind words, Mike!  And check out Mike’s Shopping-Bargains Blog.

Other panel members on the Affiliate Marketing Secrets For Bloggers panel included Tim Jones, Shawn Collins and Jim Kukral, all noteworthy bloggers to follow.

Shawn videotaped the session and uploaded the slides to follow along with.

6 thoughts on “Affiliate Marketing Secrets For Bloggers”

  1. I spent more time in the sessions than the expo for this one. There was a lot of really good talks on making money from a blog.

  2. I hope you don’t get too big of a head, Kim – you were getting lots of props during the session.

  3. When I first came to your blog this morning and saw the video at the top I thought you had been there! The networking this weekend was amazing and there were some really good sessions. You will definitely have to try and make it next year.

  4. When I first mentioned your sites I could see the Blackberries and iPhones being put to work all over the room. I knew at least a couple of “somebodies” on the front row to my left were tweeting you also. 😉

    I enjoyed the panel. Your sites were ideal examples and really went over well. They made my job much easier as a presenter. You are so very creative. Also, thanks for your plug of my site and blog.

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