Using Your Online Presence To Connect With Potential Customers

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Last Updated on September 14, 2015 by Work In My Pajamas

If a customer walks into your store, you have a series of strategies for helping them towards a sale. You welcome them, guide them towards the product they’re looking for, answer their questions about the product, and make yourself available if they need further help. In many cases, this personalized approach can help a potential customer commit to a sale they were previously on the fence about.

Even if you lack a storefront or do most of your business online, you can follow similar strategies to help potential customers find the products they want and commit to sales. Read our blog below for tips on using your online presence to draw potential customers to your site, then helping them make purchases once they arrive.

Give a Good First Impression

When customers first arrive at your site, they quickly decide if they want to shop around or navigate away, usually to your competitors’ websites. Most potential customers make these decisions in a manner of minutes, if not seconds. Your website matters even if you do most of your business in-person—most customers will look you up online before they decide whether or not to visit your brick-and-mortar store.

When customers first visit your website, you need to present them with an easy-to-navigate, engaging website that brands your company and shows customers how you can help. On your home page, you should set your company apart, show customers exactly how to find the products they need, and help them connect with you through social media widgets and news feeds.

Connect with Customers through Instant Messaging

When your customers come through your door, you or your employees greet them immediately. You can do the same thing online with enterprise instant messaging. When you welcome your customers and help them browse your site, you can guide them towards a sale or the information they’re looking for.

Most importantly, your instant messaging system helps you deliver better customer service. When your customers ask you real-time questions and get immediate answers, they’ll feel more satisfied with your service overall.

Use Data to Understand Your Audience

Your website makes it easy to gather information about who visits your site and why. Data-gathering tools, site surveys, and customer feedback can give you instant information about your potential customers. With these tactics, you can better understand if your marketing reaches the right audience, or if you need to change your marketing strategy to appeal to a different niche.

Your online presence doesn’t have to hold you back. Instead, follow the three steps above to make the most of your online presence. With a little help, your website can become a major asset as you transform potential customers into loyal clients.

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