Growing Pains: 5 Signs It’s Time to Expand Your Small Business

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Last Updated on January 20, 2024 by Work In My Pajamas

When you own a small business, the chances are you are attuned to every change in pace and energy in a profound and personal way. If you’re lucky, you may begin to notice uptick in orders or a faster pace that suggests it may be time for an expansion of your business. You may have a number of plans on the back burner, waiting for just the right time to implement them. If you’re unsure whether your instincts are right in the timing of your expansion, consider these tips that can indicate it’s time to make your move.

Your Marketing Plan Brings New Customers

If you have designed a marketing plan that carefully targets the customers who are likely to use your business and are seeing a increase in sales, you may be ready to begin your expansion plans immediately. A steady stream of new business will be helpful in covering the additional funding needed for a larger facility, bigger workforce and increased inventory.

You Acquire New Sources of Capital

Periodically, both large and smaller banks do aggressively outreaches to businesses in the community. If your bank seems ready and eager to offer funding for your business, they are expressing confidence in your ability to grow. Take advantage of this expression of confidence to set up financing for your future expansion.

Your Work Teams Run Smoothly

A small business depends on a well-trained, effective workforce to handle the daily flow of orders, as well as the sudden upsets that somehow always occur. If you can rely on your staff to do their work tasks in an efficient manner, no matter what conditions throw at them, you are ready to utilize this valuable resource to expand your business.

Your Financial Reports Are Stable

When considering an expansion for your business, you should look to the data contained in your quarterly financial reports to determine the advisability of a move at the current moment. The reports should show increasing profits over successive quarters, stability in payroll expenses and good control over purchasing expenses. Generally, individuals who have a bachelor’s of business administration degree will have learned how to interpret their financial reports to extract this important information about their companies.

You’re Revved for a New Challenge

The increased demands on your time and your energy during an expansion can be a challenge for any business owner. However, if you feel you are ready to take on the new challenge and energized with the opportunity to put your plans into action, you are likely to achieve the objectives you have in mind.

A growing business is a good thing, if you can keep up with the increasing expenses and demands on manpower. Good planning can make the difference between success and trouble in your business expansion. Savvy entrepreneurs know that conditions must be right to ensure success in any effort to expand business. If you keep these five tips in mind, you will be ready for any eventuality and will be able to make the most of your business opportunities.

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