Interview with John A. Moffitt, President of Elvin Web Marketing

John A. Moffitt

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Last Updated on January 20, 2024 by Work In My Pajamas

This week we had the pleasure of interviewing John A. Moffitt, President of Elvin Web Marketing.

1. Tell us about yourself

I was born and raised in Connecticut. I’ve lived here my entire life except for the 4 years serving in the United States Air Force. I live here with my wife and two cats. I received a management degree in 1990 from the University of New Haven.

2. How did Elvin Web Marketing come about?

I was a financial planner with MetLife in 2008 serving the financial needs of small businesses in Connecticut. After the financial crash, many of my clients went out of business or relocated out of state. I realized then how vulnerable local small businesses are.

Since I didn’t see a future in financial planning after the crash, I started Elvin Web Marketing. Small businesses were being neglected on the web. This was a niche and a service I could provide. Internet marketing is a crowded field. We needed to stand out. One way to do that was to think local. Our market is service providers, electricians, plumbers, healthcare providers and professionals serving the local community.

We limit ourselves in the services we provide. SEO is chief among them but web design and hosting is right behind. SEO is an integral part of our design process. Clients don’t buy a website from us and then hire an SEO company. We do it all right here. We are branching into video marketing because it is such a fast-growing field. We are proactively helping our clients with online reviews because a) visitors look at them and b) it is an important component of SEO.

From very humble roots we have grown into a well-regarded online marketing company.

3. Do you only take on clients in CT?

No, we have clients in MA, NJ, MT, CA, MN, IL, NY and TN

4. Do you outsource any work or is it all in house?

We do occasionally outsource if it makes sense. Our goal is for clients to make money off the services we provide. If we can save money by outsourcing those savings are passed along to our clients, increasing their ROI with us.

5. Do you have any tips for others wanting to start their own internet marketing company?

Some tips for anyone trying to start a business. Don’t give up too soon. I have seen many SBO’s close shop too soon. If they held on another 6 months they would have made it. Watch your expenses, your income is unpredictable. When you’re satisfied that you’re working hard enough, you probably aren’t. Success takes time, don’t be impatient. Failure will be your best teacher. Finally, it will all be worth it.

6. Do you have any hobbies offline when not working?

I’m a voracious reader, but mostly just spending time with my wife. I take a walk every day. Walking reduces stress. Stress is the enemy of serenity. Serenity is a friend to creativity.

That’s a great quote to end with. Thanks for the interview!

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