How Up To Date Is Your Email Marketing Strategy?

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Last Updated on February 22, 2017 by Work In My Pajamas

Like most things in life, if you neglect your email marketing strategy it will become out of date and will not be as effective as it could be if you were well up on the latest trends and strategies that are working for others. If you do your own marketing then you need to be committed to staying informed on any changes in the marketing industry or else you’re not going to see the ROI that you could be getting.

To stay up to date, it is advisable to subscribe for newsletters from marketing experts or business news sites like Forbes. The marketing world is a very fast paced place and you need to keep on your toes to stay ahead of your competition. If you run your own business, your time is precious and there are lots of things that you would like to get around to but never get the chance. Don’t let your email marketing strategy fall into this category because it is not merely a ‘nice to have’, it is a critical element of your overall business strategy.

If you’re not getting your email marketing right then you are missing out on a massive opportunity for lead generation. Getting it right is not particularly straight-forward either. It is not just about writing a well-structured email and sending it out to everybody on your contact list like people did years ago. There is a much greater success rate through creating more specific, targeted content to a pre-defined set of people or in other words, using email segmentation.

If you are still sending a one size fits all email out to your contacts and not seeing much in terms of ROI, then you should have already been asking yourself why this approach isn’t working. Effective monitoring of your campaigns will show you how well they are doing. How many people are opening your email? What percentage of your sent emails converts into sales? You need to have a careful eye on all of this information to ensure that you are on the right track.

If you’re getting loads of email generated sales then you probably don’t need to spend much time in making changes to your strategy but it is always worthwhile keeping up to date with marketing news to ensure that your campaigns don’t start to drift into ineffectiveness. Keep your contact data as up to date as possible, to enable you to segment your contact list and provide personalized content that appeals to that person.

Spend time working out what information your target audience might be looking for and then create some great content that will help them to find this information. This could be a video, a web page, a booklet, anything that will help to get your information and your brand in front of them. Even if they don’t contact you immediately, if your content is good then they will come back to you when they need your services or product.

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